Waste Management

Not every property is the same and not every schedule works with every property.  Get reliable service and flexibility to fit everyone, with options from schedule to tenant reminders on pickup day. Waste bins are supplied by TXFG and a unique barcode for our verification services and reports.

Trash Valet Schedules

3 Days a Week

Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Holidays will be rescheduled, not skipped.

Even or Odd Day

Options available for Odd Days or Even Days based on the date (excluding holidays)

5 Days a Week

Monday - Friday

Tuesday - Saturday

Monday - Thursday +Saturday

(excluding holidays)

7 Days a Week

Our premium option, get trash picked up every day of the week (excluding holidays)*

On-Site options

Off-Site options*

Barcode Verification

Get reports delivered on a monthly basis with our Barcode Verify system.  The waste bin gets scanned as it gets picked up, with options for reports if requested. 3 months into the contract, options for notifications to tenants will be available. Privacy will always be the highest priority and is completely optional*

*Premium services require an initial service fee and matching contract timelines for bundles.